Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Why Am I Here?

It is 12:15 a.m. and I am currently listening to "The Manhatten Street Band's" song Tired of Fighting. I asked myself the very simple question above and to my astonishment, I couldn't really fully answer it. Now, me, Im the kid who never reads the book but can still answer every questsion fully on the book report and pass with flying colors. But this question has baffaled me. I've looked at it from almost every possible angle and yet have nothing. How do you truly find out your purpose? Is there like a place you can go to have testing done on your brain and abilities? That can positvley confirm that your supposed to be a lawyer or hell, maybe even a stripper? It's hard to maintain my composure when I don't really have a grasp of what the hell im really supposed to do with my life. Ya know? Well, your here to get advice from me, i don't know why im asking you... I KNOW what I would like to do. & that's act, and write poetry. Poetry flow through me on regular's that breeze in the car late at night, that feeling of recognition when you've returned to a place you haven't been to for a while, and that ora you get from listing to REAL music (stuff that touches your soul)... Almost everyday, I pretend to be someone I'm not, IF im supposed to be where I think. I guess this is my alternate life, assigned to me for the time being. I really don't care for it much though. My joys are only in God and family. Everything else fades away and eventually surpresses itself out of my life. Friends included. I wonder if theres a kid like me, truly wondering where they fit in this world too? Or are they not brave enough to admit that. hate thinking of myself as a child. Though, I know I am, mainly because authority sucks. Im my own person, with my own will, wanting to do my own things. Consider me a "lil" adult..

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